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您现在的位置:网站首页 > 学与用 > 参考答案 > 四年级上册
Lesson 1

I. red-shirt, green-T-shirt, yellow-trousers, blue-sweater II. ACAC III. CABA IV. acb  V. He is wearing a green sweater. She is wearing a yellow skirt. He is wearing a white T-shirt.

Lesson 2

I. 1.右图 2.右图 3.左图 4.左图 II. ××√√ III. 1. is 2. are 3. This 4. These IV. bca  V. TFFT

Lesson 3

I. 1.左图 2.右图 3.左图 4.右图 II. 2-1-4-3 III. 2. a blue cap 3. yellow gloves 4. a green scarf  IV. 1. He is wearing a cap and trousers. 2. Yes, they are. 3. No, it isn’t. 4. No, it is old. V. BAA

Lesson 4

I. 1.左图 2.右图 3.左图 4.左图 II. AABA III. 1-B 2-C 3-A  IV. 成双的:socks, shorts, shoes, trousers, gloves 单件的:dress, skirt, cap, scarf, coat, T-shirt 头上戴的:cap, scarf 脚上穿的:socks, shoes V. FFFT

Lesson 5

I. AABA II. AABB III. √××××√ IV. Monday-a red scarf, Tuesday-black shoes, Wednesday-a yellow T-shirt, Thursday-a green skirt, Friday-blue socks, Saturday-white trousers, Sunday-an orange dress V. 1. dress 2. yellow 3. white shorts 4. Yes, she is.

Lesson 6

I. II. 4-5-1-2-3 III. TFFT IV. a. AAB b. party, shorts, sweater, Thursday, dress, mother

Think About It: TTFF

Again, Please!

I. 1. trousers 2. wearing 3. shirt 4. today II. 1.左图 2.左图3.左图 4.左图 III. ACBC IV. DABC V. FTFF

Lesson 7

I. 3-4-1-2 II. III. AABA IV. AACCA  V. 1. for 2. in 3. on VI. BCA

Lesson 8

I. 1.右图 2.左图 3.左图 4.左图 II. ABA III. CACB  IV. BADC V. bac VI. 1. What do you do at home? 2. I play on the computer. 3. I talk on the phone. 4. I watch TV after dinner. VII. TFFF

Lesson 9

I. ABAC II. bed, clean, to  III. D-C-B-A IV. 1. on 2. on 3. with 4. to 5. for V. 2. bedroom 3. homework 4. birthday VI. 1345

Lesson 10

I. BBAA II. 2-3-4-1 III. IV. ABCB V. √×√√ VI. 2-4-5-1-3

Lesson 11

I.FTFT II. AACC III. sh: shirt, shoe, ship, shoulder ch: beach, lunch, China, watch th: math, three, teeth, mouth th: these, that, mother IV. ABAC V. do my homework, clean my bedroom, play with my friends

Lesson 12

I. BABB II. BBAA III. 1. hair, teeth 2. plays 3. wash 4. ball IV. 1-D 2-A 3-B 4-C V. CBA VI. TTFF

Think About It: 1-3-2

Again, Please!

I. 画画-星期四;做作业-星期二;和朋友一起玩-星期六;听音乐-星期一;打电话-星期三

II. 6-2-1-4-5-3 III. CBAD IV. DCBA V. 1. I help my mum and dad. 2. What does Jenny do on Sunday? 3. We play catch with a ball. 4. I put on my clothes. VI.

Lesson 13

I. 3-2-1-4 II. TFFT III. 1. is 2. show 3. with 4. are IV. BAA V. abc

Lesson 14

I. ABBB II. ABAB III. 1. near 2. your 3. his 4. there 5. that 6. new IV. cab V. BAAB

Lesson 15


Lesson 16

I. 1-3-2-4 II. 3-2-4-1 III. IV. 1. twenty-one  2. twenty-four 3. thirty 4. fifteen V. 1. 2. I go to the restaurant by car. 3. 我乘公交车去动物园。4. You are welcome.

Lesson 17

I. II. TFTF  III. ECDBA  IV. acbd V. 1. Red 2. go 3. Yellow, wait VI. CDBAFE

Lesson 18

I. CABC II. CACB III. 1. classroom 2. taxi 3. wait 4. thirty IV. 2-3-5-4-1 V. TFFFT

Think About It: long-short, late-early, old-young, behind-in front of, day-night

Again, Please!

I. CABB II. ABBA III. √√√√√ IV. 1. left 2. go 3. no 4. near 5. green 6. my V. FTTF VI. BEDCA VII. FTTF

Lesson 19

I. 4-5-1-2-3 II. 3-2-1-4 III. shopping, buy, book, clothes IV. DABC V.

Lesson 20

I. FFTT  II. AABBB III. Clothes Shop:dress, shoes, shirt, trousers  toy Shop: teddy bear, ball Book Shop: story book, English book Fruit Shop: banana, apple, orange  IV. BCC V. dcba

Lesson 21

I. 2-4-3-1 II. ABAB  III. CDBA  IV. 1. I want to go to the park. 2. Let’s go to eat some dumplings. 3. May I help you? 4. Let’s go shopping. V. 1. cinema 2. park 3. library 4. toy shop

VI. 1. B 2. A 3. A 4. T 5. happy

Lesson 22

I. AACC  II. ABAB  III. Don’t use that bag. Let’s go to the cinema. How about some vegetables? Let’s go shopping. IV. 1. I want to buy some tomatoes. I want to buy some potatoes. 2. I want to buy an apple. I want to buy some candy. I want to buy some milk. V. CBA

Lesson 23

I. 3-4-1-2 II. √×√× III. 1. hats, cats 2. beds, cards 3. what, where 4. writer, wrong IV. tomatoes, potatoes, kite, ball, book V. cbad VI. 1. Can I buy ice cream online? 2. I don’t want to buy a story book. 3. How much is it? 4. 在这里。

Lesson 24

I. BCBB II. √××√ III. 1. clothes shop 2. the cinema to see a film 3. goes to the toy shop to buy IV. CAAA V. 1-5-4-3-7-6-2 VI. FFTT

Think About It: TFFT

Again, Please!

I. Li Ming-math book, Jenny-dress, Danny-ice cream II. AABB III. 1. buy 2. go shopping 3. cinema 4. tomatoes, potatoes 5. supermarket IV. 1-C 2-A 3-B 4-E 5-D V. ABBA VI. FTFT



1. this 2. these/those 3. This 4. These


1. watch TV 2. sweater, clothes shop 3. listen to music 4. shorts, T-shirt 5. playground


1. wearing 2. is singing 3. having 4. swims, is swimming


1. A 2. A


1. Where 2. How much 3. What 


1. A 2. B 3. A
