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Lesson 1

I.1. parents 2. have 3. sister 4. he 5. aunt 6. love II. ABABA  III. 1. aunt, sister 2. grandfather, mother, parent 3. sisters, parents, brothers IV. ABAAB  V. b. on-in  c. dazhi-Dazhi  d. aunt-Aunt e. has-have f. didn’t -doesn’t  VI.

Lesson 2

I. 1. ABAAB II. black, white, hair, fat, short, thin, have III. 1. old, tall, short 2. grandfather, brother, parent 3. white, black, green IV. BAAAA V. BCABC VI.

Lesson 3

I.×√√√√ II. ABBBB III. 1. doctor, teacher, driver 2. hospital, farm, school 3. train, car, plane IV. BABCB V. CBABC VI.

Lesson 4

I. BCBBA II. five, plant flowers, go for a walk, cook food, go fishing III. 1. like, go, plant, read 2. book, flower, computer 3. my, his, her IV. BAEDC V. FFTFT VI.

Lesson 5

I. 1-5-4-2-3 II. ABABB III. 1. short 2. short 3. thin 4. white 5. small IV. √×√√× V. ABABA VI. AABBA

Lesson 6

I. brother, sister, parents, an, cousins, have fun  II. BAAAA  III. FTFFT IV. AEBDC V. BDAEC VI1. Because he is too big. 2. Yes, she does. 3. Yes, he does. 4. She is Maddy’s cousin. 5. She is very big.

Think About It: TFTTF

Again, Please!

I. 1. doctors, nurses 2. cousin, thin 3. walk 4. hospital 5. Uncle  II. TFTFT III. CACBA IV. grandfather, hair, grandmother, parents, short, family V. √√××√ VI. My mother is a doctor. She works in a hospital. She is tall and fat. She has short hair. My sister is a teacher. She works at a school. She is tall and thin. She has long hair. VII. ABCAB

Lesson 7

I. ABABA II. map, China, speak, Beijing, has III. chinese, beijing, tian’anmen Square IV. 1. at 2. Chinese 3. What 4. has 5. is V. Shanghai-1, Lhasa-2, Xi’an-4 Dunhuang-3 VI.ABBAB VII.CDEAB

Lesson 8

I. ×√√×× II. ABABA III. 1. about 2. city 3. Falls 4. Tower 5. red IV. 1-A, 2-E, 3-B, 4-C, 5-D V. TTFTF VI.

Lesson 9

I. 1. map 2. English 3. here 4. stars 5. white II. BBAAB III. ABCCC IV. A ABAB V. 1. China-Canada 2. blue-red 3. Canada-the U.S. 4. yellow-blue 5. French-English VI. 中国:ACD 加拿大:EFG 美国:BHI VII. 1-B, 2-A, 3-D, 4-E, 5-C

Lesson 10

I. ××√×√ II. BAAAB III. London, New York, place, this, famous IV. ABABB ABBAB V. A-天安门广场, B-自由女神像,C-长城,D-尼亚加拉大瀑布,E-布达拉宫,F-加拿大国家电视塔,G-白金汉宫,H-大本钟,I-白宫 VI. CDAEB VII. 1. Here is the flag of the U.K. 2. What country is next to the U.S.? 3. What do you know about Canada? 4. The CN Tower is very tall. 5. The flag of China has five yellow stars.

Lesson 11

I. BBABA II. map, know, about, city, speak, here, beautiful III. ACAAB IV. BAABA V. the U.K.-China, Canada-Australia, the U.S.-Canada, Australia-the U.K., Statue of Liberty-Palace Museum VI. TFFTF

Lesson 12

I. China, Great, Wall, aunt, have tea, beautiful II. ABAAB III. FTTTF IV. BADEC V. CBAED VI. 1. She speaks French and English. 2. It’s in Canada. 3. English. 4. Yes, there is. 5. In Australia.

Think About It: 3-5-1-4-2

Again, Please!

I. 1. world 2. star 3. tower 4. house 5. beach II. FTTFT III. CABAB IV. about, English, city, white, leaf, famous V. √×√√ VI. 1. speaking 2. or 3. stars 4. leaves 5. Here VII. FTFTF

Lesson 13

I. 1. great 2. love3. too 4. wall 5. place  II. AABAB  III. ABAAB IV. AABBB V. 1. loves 2. places 3. Wall 4. come 5. an VI. 1-B, 2-A, 3-C, 4-E , 5-D VII. FFTFT VIII.

Lesson 14

I. love, May, young, places, come, Great II. ABABA  III. BBACA  CAB IV. ABBAC V. May I go to the Great Wall? Yes, you may. May I go to Canada? No, you may not.  VI. 1. May I go to see kangaroos? 2. You may not speak here. 3. Li Ming works hard at school. 4. He is too old. 5. Can you come with me? VII. √√×√×

Lesson 15

I. 1.go 2. that 3. small 4. young 5. bad  II. Mr. Li, Shijiazhuang, in the afternoon on June 6, by car; Mrs. Liu, Xi’an, in the evening on October 11, by train  III. 1-E, 2-D, 3-A , 4-B, 5-C IV. 1. making-make 2. come-to come 3. 删除to 4. of-to 5. in-on V. 1. May I invite Jack to my party? 2. When will you call Mr. Li? 3. We are going on a trip to Beijing. 4. I can talk to Danny’s mother. 5. We will go to Xi’an on August 9 in the afternoon. VI. 1. invite  2. are 3. 不填 4. travel 5. young


Lesson 16

I.5-2-4-3-1  II. we, plane, from, to, slow, fast  III. ABABA IV. -How far is it from Xi’an to Shijiazhuang? -It’s 923 kilometres. -How far is it from Shijiazhuang to Beijing ? -It’s 278 kilometres. -How far is it from Xi’an to Zhengzhou? -It’s 511 kilometres. V. 2. slow-fast 3. fast-slow 4. this-it VI. TTFFT

Lesson 17

I.√××√√ II. AAAAA III. February, evening, three, go, interesting IV. 1. why 2. Friday 3. these 4. head 5. nurse V. 1-E, 2-C, 3-A, 4-F, 5-B, 6-D VI. CAEDB VII. ×√×√√

Lesson 18

I. ACBCB  II. AABBA  III. BBBACC  IV. 3-7-1-6-4-2-5 V. √×√×√× VI.

Think About It: TFTTT


I. 1. interesting 2. call 3. plane 4. fast 5. Saturday II. BAABA  III. 答案不唯一

IV. 2. Monday-Mon. 3. Tuesday-Tue. 4. Wednesday-Wed. 5. Thursday-Thur. 6. Friday-Fri. 7. Saturday-Sat.  V. 1. on, to 2. with 3. to 4. on 5. from, to VI. ABBAC VII. BABB VIII.

Lesson 19

I. BCAAC II. ×√√√× III. 1. Li Ming’s 2. a 3. our 4. going 5. to meet IV. CAEDB  V. 答案不唯一VI. √√×××

Lesson 20

I. ABCAA II. ABAAB  III. the spring Festival-the Spring Festival, october-October, saturday-Saturday, New york-New York, the CN tower-the CN Tower IV. 1. coming 2. clothes 3. on 4. also 5. for  V. ABBAA VI. 答案不唯一

Lesson 21

I. 1.左图 2.右图 3.右图 4.左图 5.左图 II. ABBAB III. BCDDA IV. 1. kids 2. has 3. second 4. years 5. What 6. an V. √√√√××√√√√××  -fifth -sixth -eleventh -twelfth


Lesson 22

I. √√××√ II. AABBB  III. ABCAC IV. 1. holiday-holidays 2. this-the/删除in 3. autumn-Autumn 4. watch 后加the 5. an-a V. BABBA  VI.

Lesson 23

I. 1.near 2. that 3. these 4. those 5. know II. 1. that 2. This 3. those 4. These 5. wonderful  III. DDACC IV. 1. They 2. That  3. look 4. These V. CAEBD VI.

Lesson 24

I. years, animals, 12, morning, wrong, also, tiger, knows, angry II. 6-2-1-4-8-5-3-7 III. FTTFT

IV. DECAB  V. DAECB  VI. 1. On January 12. 2. Yes, he does. 3. He wants to be the first. 4. The pig. 5. The tiger.

Think About It: from, fast, party, Friday, food, boat, moon, meet, fun

Again, Please!

I. 1.图二 2.图一 3.图三 4.图三 5.图一 II. ABBAB  III. 1. meet 2. coming 3. has 4. a 5. the 6. these IV. the Spring Festival-January 1(农历)the Qingming Festival-April 5, the Dragon Boat Festival-May 5(农历)International Workers’ Day-May 1, Children’s Day-June 1, the Mid-Autumn Festival-August 15(农历), Teachers’ Day-September 10, National Day-October 1, New Year’s Day-January 1 V. 1. rain, tail 2. meat, leaf 3. cry, by 4. show, low 5. head, weather (本题答案不唯一) VI. 1. What’s our travel plan? 2. What do you do on the Spring Festival? 3. The pig is the twelfth animal. 4. We will have a special dinner. 5. Let’s get ready for the trip. VII. make-lake, love-live, slow-snow, map-cap, walk-talk, we-me, may-say, year-hear, boat-coat VIII.



1. Canada 2. English 3. I 4. Friday 5. Festival(第二个) 6. Meiping 7. U.S. 8. Day


1. He, His 2. them 3. Its 4. We, us 5. them 6. She, her 7. you 8. it


1. that 2. These 3. this 4. that 5. those 6. This


1. Where 2. How much 3. Why 4. How 5. What 6. Whose
